If you’ve reached this website through the Grey2KUSA link, welcome. Our gratitude for the trust Grey2K has shown by spotlighting our adoption center http://www.grey2kusa.org/eNEWS/G2K-7715.html knows no bounds.
Our appreciation for Grey2K board member Charmaine Settle’s personal endorsement is enormously heartfelt.
United in love for greyhounds
The Greyhound Adoption Center and Grey2K share a passion for the life and welfare of greyhounds. And we’re not alone. Often these days we participate in life-saving efforts with other greyhound organizations throughout California that share our values so that every injured or graded-off dog gets a chance to live a long and happy life as a beloved pet.
Our adoption center is often operating at full capacity with 50+ dogs, especially since so many of the dogs that reach us from the racetrack have leg injuries that require specialty (read: expensive) surgery and/or lengthy recuperation.
If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you know the dogs need us now more than ever before. And that this need won’t be satisfied anytime soon.
In anticipation of your generous support, thank you for helping us save the greatest breed of dog we’ve ever known.
Thank you for being united in love for greyhounds.
To donate click here. https://houndsavers.org/basket/