MENDING BONES & HEALING HEARTS captures the mission of the Greyhound Adoption Center (GAC), saving greyhounds that have physical injuries and/or trust issues. The dogs with broken legs continue to grow along with the “shy dogs” in need of healing hearts. These dogs are fearful of new situations and wary of people. They need extra help to receive the love they deserve as well as positive training and enrichment, all of which takes a great deal of time. Physical injuries may seem like a more straightforward handicap; however, the costs associated with possible surgery and recovery are hefty. The shy dogs need extra time to learn to trust people, resulting in extended time at the GAC.
Elsa sustained a broken front leg requiring surgery and many painful bandage changes.
Carrie suffered a break also requiring surgery and multiple bandage changes.
Orleans is a shy girl who needs lots of patience, routine and time to learn to trust people.
All of the time, money, and love spent on these dogs is worth each dog’s happiness and successful recovery, but it is by no means free. Whether MENDING BONES of the injured hounds or HEALING HEARTS of the fearful ones, GAC relies on its members, sponsors, and donors to continue saving these precious animals.
We are so grateful for your past donations and ask for your continued support through the “Birdies for Charity” fundraiser hosted by John Deere at their annual golf tournament, the John Deere Classic. Last year, thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise $14,909 and we received a bonus of $1,491 from John Deere. This year, the John Deere Classic is from July 9th to July 15th.
If you are part of our mailing list, you should receive this campaign letter along with a pledge form that allows you to donate “per birdie” (a birdie is a score of one stroke under par for any golf hole) or give a flat-rate donation. If you would like to donate online, you can click here to donate. Search for Greyhound Adoption Center (our ID is 1277). This allows you to give a flat-rate donation.
We thank you again for your past generosity and hope you will be able to dig deep once again to help the physically and emotionally wounded dogs who will continue to come into the loving arms of the Greyhound Adoption Center.